Providing a Complete Suite of IT Solutions
Information Computing Systems, Inc. , established for more than 10 years, provides companies with the needed services for building and managing rigorous process and management disciplines including Product Development, Network Security, Document Management and Data Migration solutions supporting the Healthcare, Financial and Business industries.
To protect revenue streams from attacks, service providers need to make security for all IP-based services a top priority. However, most of today's security solutions are not built to support the scalability or performance required in service provider networks.
Our company, working with SonicWall and Dell EMC, provides a scalable network security environment that is built to provide the performance required to support next-generation services such as VoIP and IPTV. Our network security system leverages industry-leading technology to protect the service provider network from both known and unknown security threats.
The increased use of Wi-Fi enabled devices and laptops by mobile workers has introduced new on-ramps for security breaches that threaten the corporate enterprise network and its resources.
A key challenge for these IT groups is how to maintain a consistent and uniform level of security policies across this extended enterprise environment.
Our company, working with our partners at SonicWall, Dell EMC, and Microsoft, offers a Secure Mobility solution providing customers with a multi-function, single-client security solution, along with market-leading SSL/VPN and Unified Access Control appliances, and a highly secure Wireless LAN portfolio. Together these solutions provide enterprises with a comprehensive toolkit to help secure and manage a heterogeneous mobile environment.